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DAT.22 What would we do if we started again?

Most new online fitness coaches don’t do this and fail What we would do if we started again in online fitness coaching.   And what we wouldn’t.   Not right away anyway.   Don’t make these mistakes which can cripple your business in the early days.

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DAT.21 Myths and Truths about Online Fitness Coaching

Ready to work from the beach for only 2 hours a day and make bank? There are a ton of lies told to fitness coaches by business gurus when they decide to go online. If you’re looking to move online with your business make sure you know what is possible and what’s just fairy dust

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DAT.20 What 10 years of fitness coaching taught us about branding

Branding isn’t your logo Branding isn’t what you think it is. Especially in the fitness business where coaching is an incredibly personal business.   There’s not much brand loyalty in coaching. Logos made on Fiverr are 2 a penny.   It’s often a load of pretentious rubbish that the coaches think are nice and important

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DAT.19 Repurposing Content

Keep running out of things to say? As a fitness coach you don’t need to be always creating new ideas and concepts. How you present your coaching content can have so many different forms. In this podcast we show you key techniques we use and teach to ensure our clients (and us) never run out

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DAT 18 Mastering The Sales Call as an Online Fitness Coach

Hate sales calls and being too sales-y? In this video, we’ll be discussing how to master the sales call as an online fitness coach.   Many online gurus will tell you to focus solely on sales scripts and even sell you the “10k sales script.”   However, they often overlook the importance of building trust

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DAT.17 Creating an Offer for Online Fitness Coaches

Your offer is not your Instagram Bio If you’ve tried creating an offer for your online fitness coaching business then you may have hit a brick wall. What is the right offer to make? What should you offer in your coaching? How does an offer for online coaching differ from in person? Can you really

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DAT.16 Essential Habits for Online Fitness Coaches

The ‘ends in a 7’ habits of online fitness coaches What are the important habits for online coaches to adopt? Habits and routines are a big topic. Not just in the online coaching sphere but generally across business and self improvement. There’s often fad habits that come along which everyone jumps on. Then spam the

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DAT.15 Stupid things that online fitness coaches say and do

Time for a cringe fest down memory lane We’ve all done stupid things in the past as coaches Most of the time it wasn’t intentional. We thought it was the right thing to do to grow our business. Now of course, we know a bit better. The purpose of this podcast was not to call people stupid. Far from

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DAT 13 How to launch a group coaching program part 3

What happens at the end of your group program? In the final installment of how to launch a group coaching program for an online personal training business we cover the final coaching process. When your group program is coming to an end you can offer a way for the client to continue in your programs

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I’ll use your data to probably build an army of clones to attack earth and reign supreme.  If you’re on my list then you’ll be on the protected species list and immune from laser blasts.  If you’re OK with this then proceed

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