
DAT.20 What 10 years of fitness coaching taught us about branding

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Branding isn't your logo

Branding isn’t what you think it is. Especially in the fitness business where coaching is an incredibly personal business.


There’s not much brand loyalty in coaching. Logos made on Fiverr are 2 a penny.


It’s often a load of pretentious rubbish that the coaches think are nice and important but rarely are.


Branding isn’t your niche statement either


Everyone is helping busy professionals lose fat and feel super duper without giving up pizza.


You’re nothing special by offering that. But that’s a topic for another day.


In this video we share what we’ve learnt about branding our own fitness businesses.


But also what we’ve learned working with a ton of coaches in the industry to help them stand out from the crowd and secure more clients.

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