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f my legs kettlebell volume home workout

F My Legs – Kettlebell Volume Leg Workout at Home

Use this Giant Set Kettlebell Workout When You Only Have 25 Minutes to Smash Legs Hard This absolute SMASHER kettlebell workout uses 2 differently weighted kettlebells. A volume home legs workout that involves stringing together 4 tough exercises in one giant superset. Pretty standard stuff for my kettlebell training you may say, but for this

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what to do when you gain weight on a Monday

What to do when you’ve gained weight on a Monday

Why you should expect to gain weight on a Monday and why it doesn’t mean you’ve failed on your diet Every client I have worked with over my 10+ years of coaching has, at some point text me in a worried panic that they’ve gained weight. I would say that 50% of these calls are

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eating in a calorie deficit and working out but not worknig out

Eating in a calorie deficit and working out but not losing weight

Is your metabolism broken from dieting? People often think that their metabolism has been broken from over dieting.  The phrase has been banded about all over social media by diet gurus who then proceed to push their ‘metabolism fixer’ program or supplements. Is your metabolism actually broken though?  Does it really need fixing? In this

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Clean Eating Leads To Weight Gain

How Clean Eating Every Day Can Lead To Weight Gain

Your Good Intentions For Losing Weight Can Work Against You If You Try To Eat Clean All The Time I want to challenge your idea that weight loss is dependant on eating clean.  I’ll discuss how aiming for perfection actually leads to stagnation and why going off your diet every now and again is actually

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Lean matrix

Why do people steal my chips

Hedonic Eating and Picking at Food When You Are Not Hungry “These are my chips, I asked you if you wanted any chips you said no, so there are no chips for you.” The raging debate that divides households throughout the world. When someone makes chips The question is asked “do you want chips?” The

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when will gyms reopen in the uk

When Will Gyms Reopen in the UK after Lockdown

If you are itching for gyms to reopen then you are not alone Gyms have been closed since January 4th and after a month with the cases, deaths and R number coming down gym goers are starting to ask when they can get back to training properly. As a gym owner myself I’ve been following

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back and chest workout with dumbbells at home

Sling Shot – Back and Chest Workout with Dumbbells at Home

Train your back and chest in 25 minutes at home with a pair of dumbbells Home workouts are often complicated unnecessarily by people when in fact the simplest exercises often work the best. This workout takes 2 favourites and combines them in supersets to give your chest and back a huge stimulus. The focus of

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banana pancakes

Banana Pancakes

Who doesn’t like pancakes? Serves 2 Ingredients  1 large ripe banana, peeled and chopped  2 medium eggs  ¼ teaspoon baking powder  ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)  Spray oil  Instructions  Mash the banana in a mixing bowl with a fork until a smooth paste forms.  Crack the eggs into the same bowl and whisk with a

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mushroom hash with poached eggs

Mushroom Hash With Poached Eggs

A different way to enjoy poached eggs Serves 4 people Ingredients  1½ tablespoons rapeseed oil  2 large onions, halved and sliced  500 grams closed cup mushrooms, quartered  1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, plus extra for sprinkling  500 grams fresh tomatoes, chopped  1 teaspoon smoked paprika  4 teaspoons omega seed mix  4 large eggs  Instructions Gently

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Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori Chicken

Classic Indian Spiced Chicken Serves 4 Ingredients 8 chicken thighs  200ml natural yoghurt  3 tbsp Tandoori paste  1/2 lemon, juiced  Salt & cracked pepper  Note: for a lower fat meal use chicken breast Instructions In a large bowl, mix together the yoghurt, Tandoori paste, lemon juice salt & cracked pepper. Set aside.  Pat the chicken

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protein brownie bites

Protein Brownie Bites

A Dessert with Added Protein Serves 6 people Ingredients  250g mashed banana  125g nut butter  1 scoop chocolate protein powder (vegan if required)  1 tbsp cacao  1 tbsp maple syrup  Instructions Preheat the oven to 180℃/350℉/Gas 4. Line a mini muffin tray with with mini muffin liners and lightly spray with olive oil cooking spray. 

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I’ll use your data to probably build an army of clones to attack earth and reign supreme.  If you’re on my list then you’ll be on the protected species list and immune from laser blasts.  If you’re OK with this then proceed

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