How much does a diet plan cost?

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how much does a diet plan cost

How much should you pay for a diet plan?

I’m often asked how much does a diet plan cost?

The answer often surprises people, in that I counter with “how much of the work do you want to do yourself?

As with most things, if you really do your own research and increase your knowledge you can do it yourself.  The only cost being your time.

How much is your time worth though? For me it’s in the region of £100-150 per hour for a consultation.

Do you have the time to spend creating your own diet plan?

I have a whole ton of free diet advice on my website and across my

  1. youtube
  2. podcast
  3. social media.

If you looked then you’d find every single thing you needed to build your own diet plan and you’d spend zero money.

If that’s the case then why do people pay hundreds of pounds, sometimes thousands for a coach or a diet plan?

The answer is that many people simply don’t have the time.

Many people THINK nutrition is easy, but like any skill it's only easy if you know what you're doing

I have the advantage of nutrition coaching education and over 10 years experience writing diet plans so I pretty much know how to eat right for my goals.


However if I want my accounts done then I get my accountant to do them.


I used to do all my own spreadsheets prep and all my own invoicing, but it took up my time massively.


  1. I was unable to do the things I wanted to.
  2. It was also a massive stress for me as I don’t enjoy doing it.
  3. So I pay an expert to do it for me, the result?
  4. I have more time to do the things I want to do.
  5. I make more money now and have less stress.

You can learn to do your own diet if you have the time

In this video I talk about 2 people who took the time to read and learn from my videos, podcasts and social media and lost weight themselves.

They didn’t pay me a penny but used my knowledge to do it themselves.

It’s about your priorities, if you have the time to read and learn all that’s needed to do it yourself then a diet plan doesn’t have to cost you anything.

Testimonial Spencer
Testimonial Ash

Most of my clients are also business owners whose time is severly limited

They don’t have the time to learn all the knowledge needed while running a successful business.

They appreciate the element of outsourcing to an expert.

They want results quickly and safely so they pay an expert (me) to do all that hard work for them.

They still get the benefit of the education, but I point them in the right direction straight away and reduces the trial and error.

You have to weigh up the cost of your time.


My hourly rate is around £100-150 per hour, if I’m spending 2-3 hours a week doing spreadsheets then I’ve lost the potential to make £450.

That’s nearly £1800 a month that I’m paying myself to do my own spreadsheets.

So paying my accountant £200 a month is a saving.

Plus I know it’s done 100% right.

Get an expert in if you want expert results, or learn how to be the expert at your own cost.

Either option is reasonable and justifiable. 

I run two businesses and I enjoy doing some of the jobs others would outsource. 

So I still do them.


Other stuff like invoicing and accounts I’ll leave to people who enjoy doing them, even though I could do them myself.

I just act on the information.

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