
DAT Fitness Business Podcast

36. Triage Calls – stop wasting time on people who won’t buy

Improve your Sales call success to a 80-90% conversion rate Are you filtering your enquiries to make sure people who have no business being on a sales call with you don’t make it that far? In our experience most coaches don’t do this and end up wasting a ton of time talking to people on

36. Triage Calls – stop wasting time on people who won’t buy Read More »

35. Getting Better Testimonials From Your Clients

Stop your testimonials delivering ‘Yes’ or ‘NO’ answers that tell future customers nothing about your coaching. Get testimonials that sell your coaching for you. In this episode, learn how to showcase your coaching success by highlighting your client transformations. We’ll cover among other things, the 3 types of testimonials that you can use with clients

35. Getting Better Testimonials From Your Clients Read More »

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