
All The Articles, Blogs and Videos Here Will Help You Build Your Own Superhero Body

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My YouTube Channel has guides and tips on how to lose body fat and build more muscle

Does Eating Healthy Mean You Cant Eat Junk Food

Does Eating Healthy Mean You Can’t Eat Junk Food

“Tom, how can you say you’re a nutritionist if you eat cheesecake late at night? That’s not healthy” I received this message in my Instagram inbox after a rather tongue in cheek post of a cheesecake which serves 6 people and I captioned it “Challenge accepted” Social media messages don’t have tone just words so

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Is your weekly weigh in making you fat

Is Your Weekly Weigh In Making You Fatter?

Your weekly weigh in may be the thing that’s making you fat. Although strictly speaking it’s the excess food you’re eating if you’re weighing weekly then you’re not helping the situation. Every day your weight will fluctuate because of food in your body water changes glycogen stores in your liver and muscles You’ll also get

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stop evening snacking to lose weight

Stop Evening Snacking Ruining Your Fat Loss Diet

How to prevent overeating when bored at night and what foods you can eat at night to help you lose weight Is snacking at night a bad thing or can it be done without affecting your weight loss? Snacking at night isn’t actually a bad thing and you don’t have to stop doing it completely

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I don’t want to be a bodybuilder

“What is the best way to lose fat and get toned or build more muscle?” If I had a pound for how many times someone has said to me that they don’t want to be a bodybuilder and get massive, in the same breath as asking the question above, I’d have exactly ‘some’ pounds. While

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Title page for How many calories do you need to lose weight

How many calories do you need to lose weight

Calculate your calories for losing weight without over restriction that leads to you hating life and the foods that might help you on the way If you are trying to lose weight by yourself then you’ve probably tried a number of diets already which have not worked.  You’ve tried weight loss pills, shakes and supplements

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The 2020 Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss that works

Lose weight without needing pills, shakes or other supplements.   Make your own perfect weight loss meal plan in less than 60 minutes If you’re looking for the fastest way to lose weight then you absolutely need to read this article .   I’m going to show you how to create an easy to follow

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pic of a stair master

What is the best fat burning exercise?

I’m often asked by people looking to lose weight… ‘What is the best fat burning exercise?’ ‘What exercise is best for burning body fat?’ ‘What exercise will help me lose my belly fat?’ Generally, I find that people who ask this have a basic idea that in some way they need to move more to

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why fist sized meal portions are not great

Open Mouth Insert Fist

Why keeping your meal sizes very small may actually work against your weight loss goals How big are your hands?  An unusual question perhaps, but not when you consider that some nutrition coaches advise that you only eat meals the size of your fists to help with controlling body fat. For me this is a

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I’ll use your data to probably build an army of clones to attack earth and reign supreme.  If you’re on my list then you’ll be on the protected species list and immune from laser blasts.  If you’re OK with this then proceed

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