Build Muscle and Burn Body Fat No Cardio

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burn fat no cardio

In this video I talk to a current client Andy who is a father of 2 and works mainly from home for a major bank. We discuss his body transformation and how was able to gain a ton of muscle and burn fat with no cardio.

Andy enjoys working out in the gym and has been training for many years, over lockdown he lost his motivation and his body gained some fat which he wasn’t happy with.

He isn’t a fan of cardio in the traditional sense and so we constructed a transformation plan that allowed him to change his body without doing the miles on the treadmill.

Andrew burn fat no cardio

Fat loss is based on a calorie deficit and muscle gain requires adequate stimulus from training and a certain level of protein intake.

You don’t need cardio to burn body fat and it’s entirely possible to build muscle in a deficit.  All it takes is correct programming and the application of certain key elements to a training plan.

It's often said that you can't build muscle and burn fat at the same time. We have proved that it's absolutely possible in Andy's case.

andrew testimonial burn fat no cardio

The body you want is the combination of many signals that you send

Your body will respond to what you tell it to do.  One workout or one day of good eating is a very weak signal that quickly disappears.

Sending multiple signals over the course of many months creates a continuous strong signal that moulds the body.

In this video and podcast I interview Andy to discuss how he trained and ate to send all the right signals to his body to get the body he wanted.

We delve into how he was able to keep to his plan while enjoying days out with his family and how he’s used the skills we developed to continue to make progress.

Check out my YouTube channel for more videos.

Use my Calorie Calculator to work out your calories for fat loss and get a free macro guide

Find out more about my coaching program to get you into your best shape ever

Camilla Body Transformation
Gafyn before and after fat loss

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