
Prep Radio Podcast

Our podcast has been running since 2018.  Hosts are Tom and Paul Scarborough who is himself an expert prep coach and former champion.

We discuss topics related to nutrition, fat loss and muscle building as well as current affairs and the latest news in bodybuilding.

We’ve had experts on as guests ranging from IFBB Professional bodybuilders to the UK’s best Nutritionists and Personal Trainer coaches.

All the podcasts are available on iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher to download

New for 2020 – Watch the podcasts on You Tube and Facebook

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episode 35 front cover

Episode 35

When will gyms reopen? A gym owner’s perspective Tom is a gym owner and over the 12 weeks of the COVID crisis has had to deal with a great number of issues including facing the prospect of never opening again. This podcast covers the issues he has faced and that other gym owners are facing

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Episode 34

When will gyms open again? As lockdown rolls on we discuss when gyms are likely to open.  Tom owns his own gym and talks about the issues that others and himself are facing.  What is the likelihood that gyms will re-open on the 4th July as many people think. Meal Prep during Corona virus lockdown

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podcast cover page with Dan Fallon

Episode 33

Rehab through exercise and helping dads get into shape with Dan Fallon Military rehab trainer Dan Fallon came on the podcast to talk about the benefits of exercise and how he uses his strength and conditioning knowledge to help dads get into shape. Dan is a published author of several children’s books relating to exercise

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Prep podcast title page with tom and paul in the gym

Episode 32

How the lockdown has affected the fitness world In episode 32 of the podcast we talk about the impact that corona virus has had on the fitness industry.  How many coaches who previously slated online coaching are now online coaches. How Paul’s life has changed due to being in the extreme danger group.  Home workouts

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podcast episode 31 cover

Episode 31

We discuss the small issue of the corona virus outbreak and although we are not experts in any way we will still talk about it like we know what we are talking about. Listener questions include How have our workout and nutrition strategies changed over the years. Macro splits and how they differ with a

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prep podcast episode 30 cover

Episode 30

The Worst Performed Exercises in the gym What are the most poorly performed exercises in the gym? We’ve all seen people do stupid things or using too much weight and risking injury.  What are the worst offenders? We also discuss coaches threatening to sue people for slander when they’ve provided poor service.  Coaches using misleading

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Prep Podcast front cover episode 29

Episode 29

January Fad Diets January is the time for diets and it’s also the time when people try some crazy stuff to lose weight. We discuss some of the things that people may do and why they are or aren’t useful. Calculate your calories for fat loss by using my calorie calculator   Avoid the diet trap

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Episode 28

Game Changers documentary, listener questions We discuss the Game Changers documentary which has been in the news a lot recently.  Why it’s not the game changing evidence that a vegan diet is the best diet for performance, but why eating more plants is very good for us. We also cover some listener questions on training

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Episode 27

A new look at supplements with Richard Foster Richard Foster from Strom Sports joins us to talk about the new types of supplements on the market for neurological boosting and more holistic health In recent years there has been a shift towards these types of supplements with many athletes using compounds such as Lion’s Mane,

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