
Prep Radio Podcast

Our podcast has been running since 2018.  Hosts are Tom and Paul Scarborough who is himself an expert prep coach and former champion.

We discuss topics related to nutrition, fat loss and muscle building as well as current affairs and the latest news in bodybuilding.

We’ve had experts on as guests ranging from IFBB Professional bodybuilders to the UK’s best Nutritionists and Personal Trainer coaches.

All the podcasts are available on iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher to download

New for 2020 – Watch the podcasts on You Tube and Facebook

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Episode 54 – Bodybuilding Now and Then with Matt Tofton

In this episode we talk to competitive bodybuilder Matt Tofton who is a champion amateur bodybuilder with multiple competitive wins and placings in both national and international events. We discuss: How has bodybuilding changed since Tom and Paul competed? What is the current state of coaching for prep in the current bodybuilding scene? What are

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Episode 52. Bondage cable exercises

In this episode we discuss over complication and over simplification when it comes to nutrition and training. It is just as simple as ‘go heavy or go home’ Should you just ‘eat less and move more’ and what the F is it with the new trend of bondage cable exercises? Check out my YouTube channel

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Episode 51 – FitXpo, Gains begin at 40, Health scares

One for the ‘old’ school listener In this episode we discuss the recent FitXpo where Tom delivered a presentation on ‘Gains Begins at 40’ We also discuss the failing of the old guard bodybuilding federations and the rise of the new feds. Finally we discuss Tom’s recent heart issues and Paul’s recent visit to hospital.

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Episode 50 – Calories on Menus with Dr Mike Banna

Is it a good idea to put calories on menus? Dr Mike Banna visited the podcast to discuss this polarising topic. It’s not quite as simple as it seems and Dr Mike gave us a GPs perspective as well as his own unique views on the situation. Listen or watch below Check out my YouTube

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Episode 49 – Forgotten Supplements of Yesteryear

Supplements that you may have forgotten but were essentials 5 years ago In this podcast we remember the good times   We all used to use these supplements, we even knew the ‘science’ behind them. But they seem to have mysteriously vanished from our arsenal of products. No longer are people drinking intra workouts laced

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Episode 48 – Diet Hacks, The Lipostat, Calorie Averaging

Just because it worked for them doesn’t mean it will work for you In this episode we discuss how science can be twisted to fit an unscrupulous coaches agenda to sell their plans Also how the case of ‘it worked for me’ is carried over to ‘it must work for everyone’ in coaching We discuss

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prep podcast 47

Episode 47 – Listener Questions

Listener Questions What’s the best rep and set range for certain muscle groups? What do we know know that we wish we’d known back then? Supplements we recommend? Why does Paul always say drink more water?   See Prep the Series on YouTube for free Watch all the episodes as they are released >>>>Prep The

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Episode 46 – January diets and Fitpro Apps

It’s TIME to get SHREDZ January is upon us and so are the fitpros with their January get shredz programs. We aren’t against people getting in shape but we are against the multitude of 6 week shredder mc shredz guys that ONLY pop up on your feed when it’s time to make a quick buck

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