Use this Giant Set Kettlebell Workout When You Only Have 25 Minutes to Smash Legs Hard
This absolute SMASHER kettlebell workout uses 2 differently weighted kettlebells.
A volume home legs workout that involves stringing together 4 tough exercises in one giant superset.
Pretty standard stuff for my kettlebell training you may say, but for this one we will be alternating the starting exercise on each set.
The Workout
You will need
A heavy kettlebell and a lighter kettlebell. You can also use dumbbells and even a bar and weight plates.
You will also need about a 3 metre space to do the walking short lunges in.
Sets and Reps
1. Reverse Lunges
2. Step Ups
3. Deadlifts
4. Short Step Lunges
10 reps of each leg (so 20 on the lunges, step ups and short step)
Workout order goes like this
- 1,2,3,4
- 2,3,4,1
- 3,4,1,2
- 4,1,2,3
This was a horrible workout but my legs were absolutely battered at the end.
Follow the workout at home
Train with me in your home. Just get the weights and click play and I’ll take you through the workout in real time
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