Comparison MEMEs
They are all the rage at the moment in Fitness world
Whether it’s telling you about how many PT sessions you could get for an iPhone 8
Or if its telling you how much (little) protein there is in a Protein Yorkie
So I’ve made my own

If we go on JUST protein then the chocolate orange wins
But as an intelligent person you KNOW that a chocolate orange has much more than just protein in it
There’s also nasty fat calories and carb calories which make this yummy treat into a calorie dense disaster for your diet plan
So we know to avoid it as a regular snack but would have it as a treat every now and again
So why can’t the same logic be applied to Protein Yorkies with just 10g of protein in
Why is everyone so surprised when a CHOCOLATE BAR with a little bit more added protein is also laden with other calories
Just because its a ‘Protein Yorkie’ doesn’t mean it suddenly lost all the Choccy Bar bad things that mean you couldn’t have it every day before
OK so its ONLY 10g of Protein, that’s a little low when compared to say a chicken breast
Or a grenade bar
But its still higher than a normal Yorkie and so it is correctly labelled
It’s just about you as the consumer being aware that just because there’s some protein in it
If you really are moaning that the protein is low and this means that you can’t get a decent serving of protein in it
Then your diet really needs addressing on a more serious level
I mean, you are thinking about getting your daily intake of protein from a chocolate bar
Just have a think about that
Then go and have some Protein Chicken and some Carb Potatoes
Just like normal Chicken and Potato but with added Protein and carbs.
Oh no thats right
They are already PROPER protein and carb sources. No need for any additions