DAT.6 How much to charge as an online personal trainer

Are you charging what you’re worth? Knowing how much you should charge for online personal training is one of the hardest questions to answer as a fitness coach. Should you charge as much as your in person personal training? Is online coaching seen as a ‘less’ valuable service that in person? How do I figure

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DAT.4 Conversations for more sales in your fitness business

Sales conversations aren’t the only chats you need to be having Having conversations seem to be a lost art and all the focus is on sales. While sales is a very important metric for your business and ultimately the determination of success, what happens leading up to those sales is also vitaly important. People buy

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DAT.3 Identifying your niche market for your fitness business

Your niche is not your bio – or ‘busy professionals’ “The riches are in the niches” – It’s an annoying phrase as it doesn’t rhyme You can’t say riches correctly and then say niches correctly. It just doesn’t WORK However finding your niche is massively important to developing your business, especially if  you are a

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