SPLAT workout – Legs, Chest and Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells in 25 Minutes

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legs chest and shoulders workout. inn 25 minutes

Use this quick fire supersetting workout when you only have 25 minutes to train upper and lower body

This legs, chest and shoulder workout brings together some basic core movements as well as some taxing single leg exercises.

This workout was designed to focus in on the glutes and quads using isolation exercises done in a very controlled manner.  The leg exercises are broken up by the upper body work which allows a slight rest so you don’t get too much of a lactic acid burn and can focus on fatiguing the muscle for growth.

The Workout

You will need

A pair of dumbbells or kettlebells.  You could also do this with one kettlebell or dumbbell by changing the press to a single press and holding the weight in front of you like a goblet squat position.

You will also need about a 3 metre space to do the walking short lunges in.

Sets and Reps

  1. Step Up – 10 reps each leg
  2. Press Up – 10 reps
  3. Walking short step lunges – 10 steps each leg
  4. Arnold Press – 10 reps
  5. 30 seconds rest

5 sets of this giant set.

You can increase the reps to 15 or 20 for the last 2 sets if you want more of a challenge.

Follow the workout at home

Train with me in your home.  Just get the weights and click play and I’ll take you through the workout in real time

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Did you know that I run a coaching program with varied workouts and flexible nutrition guidance?

Camilla Body Transformation

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