Weight was irrelevant to Theresa's incredible transformation

Since working with Tom, I now believe its all in how you look rather than the scales.

In the past year I’ve lost around 4kg to 5kg, it may not seem much however I look and feel amazing.

I can see my Abs coming through nicely, the muscles on my legs and arms are very visable. My over physique has changed so much.

The best bit about the program was being able to eat all the foods that I liked.

Week to week the scales weren’t moving much but my body was showing me via the pictures.

To see the changes on myself felt good. Made me want more.

Before the year was out I tried on a size 6 jeans, perfect fit.

Almost 3 dress sizes down from 12 months before yet only a few kg’s move on the scales.

I would highly recommend Tom. He listens to you, he tailors to you.

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