Home Workouts

Build Your Best Body Training At Home

Camilla Home Workout

Home workouts are absolutely a viable way of getting into great shape

While previously thought of as a waste of time, many people are now training from home either from choice or due to their work and family commitments.

This has given them more freedom in their day but also has presented them with problems with balancing their work, social and training life.

I specialise in working with home trainers

During lockdown I developed a home training system that allowed my clients to transform their bodies using only minimal equipment such as 1 kettlebell or a pair of dumbbells.

After lockdown ended I expanded the program to include gym workouts and enhanced the home workout offering now that more equipment was available online.

This resulted in my Hybrid Coaching program which has a community of people working from home while working out from home and who are seeing incredible changes.

testimonial jessica
Home Workout Ecosystem

How Good is Your Home Workout?

To have a really successful home workout system that delivers you great results it takes more than just a workout plan or a YouTube video.

You have to have 4 key elements in place that ensure you are doing the right workout, at the right time and it’s relevant to your long term goals.

This is where the Home Workout Ecosystem comes in.

Finding the right fit for your home workout

In order to get the body you want you’ll need to look at your current system and assess where you are going wrong in order to improve your results.

The Home Workout Ecosystem is composed of 4 key factors

  • Habits
  • Options
  • Moment
  • Environment

Once all of these are optimised you will see dramatic results very quickly.

If one or more are misaligned then your progress will stall

Andrew B Testimonial
Home workout habits


What you do to prepare and how you behave after a workout. Your rituals that build you up to massive motivation and those that bring you down and prepare you for returning to work.

Home workout options


The tools at your disposal, equipment, training plans, videos. There are so many people with garages full of equipment having terrible workouts and others with one kettlebell absolutely smashing it. Why? They are using and applying the tools correctly

Home workout moment


The correct time to do a workout, how long and how you program it. It’s common to try to ‘fit in’ workouts in your day. That generally ends up in no workout or a rubbish workout. Planning your time is crucial.

Home workout environment


Your surroundings, do they help or hinder your performance and get you fired up? Even the best equipped gym in the world can give you a poor workout if there’s no atmosphere.

Home workout score

Get Your Free Home Workout Score

In 3 minutes you can find out which areas you need to work on and which areas you are excelling in.

Focus on your weaknesses with a detailed report from me to help you improve.

I’ll also send you a few follow up coaching emails with valuable tips and strategies that I’ve used with previous clients.

Watch this video to learn how to get motivated for your home workouts

This video will give you a general guide to improving your current home workouts.

After you complete the test I have 4 detailed videos that you can watch that go into more strategies that I use with clients.

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