These workouts will massively push you outside your comfort zone and force new muscle growth
Get a 4 week intensive bodybuilding program that has been proven to build muscle even for advanced trainers who've hit a road block
- 4 weeks of intense, bodybuilding workouts
- 16 workouts in total which I guarantee you won’t have tried before
- Every workout is different, incorporating multiple bodybuilding techniques
- Research based muscle building principles applied in exciting, challenging training sessions
- Used by coaching clients and in my own training for years – proven success rate
- Easily accessed via your phone, even when you are offline
- Guide videos for every exercise and coaching notes on how to apply the workouts for maximum impact

The Super Smasher was designed during lockdown
Remember those days? When gyms were shut and we all lost a load of muscle in 3 months.
I designed this program for my BUILD members to pack on muscle fast once they returned to their gyms.
It was built as a 4 week over reach shock to the body to force muscle back on
These workouts are NOT for beginners. You'll need to have at least 1-2 years of gym training experience to handle the demands this will place on your body
Worried about getting too big?
- This is not the place for you
- It’s not that easy to get ‘too big’
- Go and join a crossfit gym
Want to build muscle fast?
- Then you need to train like a bodybuilder.
- Bodybuilding is by definition focussed on maximum muscle growth
- Anyone that tells you there’s a better way to get more muscle growth has no idea what they are talking about
Bodybuilding is about taking the muscle to failure so that it grows bigger. That’s what these workouts will do
You don't have to be a 'bodybuilder' to build your body and grow muscle
These are not just workouts for ‘bodybuilders’
- I have used these workouts with hundreds of clients to get fast and dramatic results
- Suitable for male and female trainers
- You just need to like lifting weights and training hard

Every one of my BUILD community have done workout programs just like the Super Smasher to transform their physique. None of them were ‘bodybuilders’ but they all built more lean muscle

Still not sure if it’s for you?
Probably isn’t then.
But think of this..
The best case scenario: You get some epic workouts, grow some more muscle and reignite your workouts all for the bargain price of £24.99
The worst case scenario: you’ve dropped £24.99 on some terrible cut and paste jobs from some bodybuilding website.
If you really think you’re risking the worst case scenario then PLEASE go and watch some more of my content and don’t buy.