
The Fat Loss Meal Plan That Doesn't Even Feel Like You're Dieting

Fat Loss Meal Plan image of waffles and berries

The Lean Body Eating Plan is a calorie counted, fully flexible fat loss meal plan that you can easily adjust to your own lifestyle. Pick from over 100 popular foods or add your own.  It’s your choice what to eat, always. 

  • Fully flexible meal plan.
  • Only eat foods you like to lose weight.
  • Choose from over 100 common foods or add your own.
  • Calculated specifically to your calories for fat loss.
  • Macro plan tailored to your goals.
  • Don’t change any of your favourite foods
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Completely personalised to your calorie needs

Each plan is calculated specifically to the needs of the individual. I ask you to fill in a form after payment so I can use your details to build your plan

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Over 100 foods to choose from

Pick from the list the foods you like and make them into meals. It really is that simple.

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Macro and Calorie guides

Each meal is broken down into the calories you need and the suggested macro splits so that you can match calories if buying your meals from shops

Why is the Lean Body Eating Plan the last diet you'll ever need?

Many people perceive a ‘diet’ as something they do temporarily to lose weight – This is where they go wrong


All my coaching is based around teaching people to have complete freedom of food choice while staying within certain guidelines for calories


By following the plan you to gradually learn what food volumes are right for you so that you eventually don’t need to keep referring to it.


You’ll know what’s right for you and do it out of habit.

Ditch the fake diet gurus and their magic fat loss hacks

Fat loss happens from eating to a calorie deficit – you eat less calories than you expend.  


Fake Diet Gurus will try and convince you that they have a secret power that will drop fat off you or turn your body into a fat burning machine.


99% of the time their fat loss plan is a quick fix con to get your money.  They give you a diet with very restricted food choices which puts you in a severe calorie deficit.


They drop some weight off you quickly from losing water and reduced food volume in your gut.


This isn’t a long term solution and you’ll end up frustrated by a restrictive diet which is difficult to follow.

While initially you’ve dropped weight, when you come off the diet and go back to eating normally you put it all back on again.

Get the body you want eating foods you like

It is 100% possible to lose body fat while eating only foods that you enjoy.


That’s what all my clients do.


Not one of my clients following my fat loss plans has ever had to eat a food they didn’t like in order to drop weight.


And you don’t have to either.


Those days are behind you.

Camilla Body Transformation

The Lean Body Eating Plan lists over 100 common foods in exact amounts tailored EXACTLY to your needs for fat loss.


You just pick what you like from the list and make into meals. 



I've wrote the book on fat loss

I got so tired of seeing people getting ripped off by Fake Diet Gurus peddling their awful diets to people that I wrote a book with a step by step walkthrough of how to build your own fat loss meal plan that fits your lifestyle.

The Lean Body Eating Plan is based completely on the process in the book.  It’s worked for hundreds of people and it can work for you.

Of course you could just buy the book from Amazon and do it all yourself, but you’re here now and it will be much quicker if I do it for you.

Target Lean Book - fat loss meal plan guide

The secret that the weight loss industry don't want you to know

All the big players in the diet industry make their plans deliberately confusing and hard to follow.



Because they want you to keep coming back.


By making the diets hard to follow with 

  • Sinful foods
  • Colour coded foods
  • Different days
  • Points systems

They lock you into their system for dieting.


Why not just tell you how many calories to eat and teach you how to work that out for yourself?


Because if they did you wouldn’t be a return customer, year after year.

I want you to never need a diet plan from me again

Once you’ve been using the Lean Body Eating Plan for a few weeks you’ll be used to eating all the foods you like and will be losing weight.

You won’t even feel like you’re on a diet because there will be no confusion about what to eat and when.  

As well the plan you can use my tutorial videos to learn more about nutrition and how to work with your brain to stick to the plan

testimonial jessica

In short I want to give you all the tools to never need any diet plan.  EVER again.

I make things simple because I want you to succeed.  Any diet plan that is overly complex and DOES NOT talk about calories as the main reason for fat loss is trying to prevent you succeeding. 

Your Lean Body Eating Plan Will Be Unique

Every person is individual and will require a calculated, exact amount of calories for weight loss.


Big commercial diet companies don’t calculate your calories for weight loss. 
They just give you a guide book to eating.




How can you need the same book that someone 2 stone heavier or lighter than you needs?

That just doesn’t make sense!


One size fits all never works for fat loss diets because everyone’s needs are different.


To be effective for the long term your calorie deficit must be calculated and the foods portioned correctly.

It will take at least 24 hours to get your meal plan to you

  • Join one of the big diet companies and they’ll have your plan ready in 5 minutes.
  • It’s pretty easy to do when you just give everyone the same thing.


Because I inspect every diet personally before it goes out you will need to wait 24 hours to get your plan.


  • I will ask you to complete a quick questionnaire to get the information I need to correctly calculate your calories and then I build your plan.
  • So you know when you get it that it’s been prepared and approved by a professional nutritionist.
  • I take your success very seriously.
Get the body you want eating foods you like
  • Fully flexible meal plan.
  • Only eat foods you like to lose weight.
  • Choose from over 100 common foods or add your own.
  • Calculated specifically to your calories for fat loss.
  • Macro plan tailored to your goals.
  • Don’t change any of your favourite foods

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